
Videos & gifs

Felix The Reaper - iPhone and iPad - Launch Trailer

Go get it in your iPhone or iPad right HERE

Felix The Reaper - Official Launch Trailer

We are out now! Find Felix on PC and Mac on Steam and GOG, and also on PS4, Xbox One and Switch now.

Behind The Scenes - Felix The Reaper - About The Game

Yeah, launch date reveal and a goofy look behind the scenes.

Behind The Scenes - Felix The Reaper - About The Dance & Music

Behind The Scenes - Felix The Reaper - About The History

Felix The Reaper - 40 seconds of party on gameplay

We put this together, because we’d done a lot of shots for Xbox announcing us at E3 2019 for gamepass, but the only used like 3.5 seconds, and we felt we should celebrate the mention with som additional seconds for you all.

Wishlist us, yes, yes, very good, right HERE!

Felix The Reaper - Steam Wishlist Teaser

Remember to go to Steam and wishlist us right HERE!

Felix The Reaper - Teaser Trailer

This trailer is basically the rule book for the gameplay. Watch and learn.
